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Resources by Brian P. Jones

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Tools to More Efficiently Manage In-Season Corn Nitrogen Needs Nov 16, 2018 2909-1410 (SPES-80NP)
Effects of Twin-Row Spacing on Corn Silage Growth Development and Yield in the Shenandoah Valley Nov 16, 2018 3003-1440 (SPES-79NP)
Identifying Soybean Fields at Risk to Leaf-Feeding Insects
This publication explains the relationship between Leaf Area Index and soybean yield potential.
Nov 28, 2023 444-203 (ENTO-565P)
Soil Test Note 5: Fertilizing With Manures
Animal manures contain valuable crop nutrients and may also have liming value. With high costs for fertilizers, using animal manures to supply the major crop nutrients – nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) – may represent an economic savings. However, animal manures present some challenges compared to inorganic nutrient sources.
Aug 6, 2024 452-705