Tags https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/tags.resource.html/pubs_ext_vt_edu:department/hampton-roads-agricultural-research-and-extension-center en Wed, 24 May 2023 15:30:17 -0400 http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html Japanese Beetle https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/2902/2902-1101/2902-1101.html Tue, 13 Aug 2024 09:02:03 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/2902/2902-1101/2902-1101.html Garden Insects PestsAgricultural Insects PestsEntomologyHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2022-09-02T00:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

What Is a Watershed? https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-041/426-041.html Fri, 13 Dec 2024 16:40:52 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-041/426-041.html Gardening & The EnvironmentVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeNatural ResourcesExpert-ReviewedSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2023-09-11T00:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Rain Garden Plants https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-043/426-043.html Fri, 22 Nov 2024 15:43:55 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-043/426-043.html Gardening & The EnvironmentVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeExpert-ReviewedSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterGarden & Landscape Design 2024-01-02T00:00:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Urban Water-Quality Management: Wildlife in the Home Pond Garden https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-045/426-045.html Thu, 07 Sep 2023 16:27:26 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-045/426-045.html Gardening & The EnvironmentVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesWildlifeHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2020-09-02T00:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Groundwater Quality and the Use of Lawn and Garden Chemicals by Homeowners https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-059/426-059.html Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:15:16 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-059/426-059.html Gardening & The EnvironmentCrop and Soil Environmental SciencesHorticultureEnvironmental QualityEntomologyHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Patriotic Gardens: How to Plant a Red, White and Blue Garden https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-210/426-210.html Mon, 02 Dec 2024 16:11:47 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-210/426-210.html Virginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeHorticultureAnnuals, Perennials & BulbsHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterGarden & Landscape Design 2020-07-09T00:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

America's Anniversary Garden: A Statewide Corridor and Entrance Enhancement Program https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-211/426-211.html Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:19:46 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-211/426-211.html Virginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeExpert-ReviewedHorticultureAnnuals, Perennials & BulbsHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterGarden & Landscape Design 2020-07-09T00:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Patriotic Gardens: Red, White, and Blue Native Plants https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-223/426-223.html Wed, 18 Sep 2024 11:32:28 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-223/426-223.html Virginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeHorticultureAnnuals, Perennials & BulbsHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterGarden & Landscape Design 2015-01-14T01:00:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Conifers https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-605/426-605.html Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:47:22 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-605/426-605.html Environmental HorticultureHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2015-04-06T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-610/426-610.html Mon, 19 Aug 2024 13:38:45 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-610/426-610.html Environmental HorticultureHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2015-04-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Fertilizing Landscape Trees and Shrubs https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-018/430-018.html Wed, 20 Nov 2024 20:02:38 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-018/430-018.html Expert-ReviewedSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2021-07-12T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Trees for Problem Landscape Sites -- The Walnut Tree: Allelopathic Effects and Tolerant Plants https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-021/430-021.html Fri, 09 Aug 2024 15:53:06 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-021/430-021.html Virginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeHorticultureHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2015-04-10T10:58:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Trees for Problem Landscape Sites -- Air Pollution https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-022/430-022.html Fri, 22 Nov 2024 20:32:19 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-022/430-022.html HorticultureSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesCollege of Natural Resources and EnvironmentHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & GroundcoversVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeExpert-Reviewed 2020-08-10T00:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Trees for Problem Landscape Sites — Screening https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-025/430-025.html https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-025/430-025.html Virginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeHorticultureCollege of Natural Resources and EnvironmentTrees, Shrubs, & GroundcoversHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2015-04-09T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Trees for Problem Landscape Sites — Wet and Dry Sites https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-026/430-026.html Mon, 19 Aug 2024 09:50:41 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-026/430-026.html Virginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeHorticultureCollege of Natural Resources and EnvironmentHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2015-04-08T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Trees for Parking Lots and Paved Areas https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-028/430-028.html Fri, 09 Aug 2024 15:37:24 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-028/430-028.html ForestryVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeHorticultureTrees, Shrubs, & GroundcoversHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Getting Started in the Nursery Business: Nursery Production Options https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-050/430-050.html Wed, 21 Aug 2024 11:37:59 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-050/430-050.html Nursery & GreenhouseHorticultureHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2015-04-27T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Tree and Shrub Planting Guidelines https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-295/430-295.html Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:53:12 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-295/430-295.html Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2015-03-03T01:00:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

A Guide to Successful Pruning: Pruning Basics and Tools https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-455/430-455.html Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:22:08 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-455/430-455.html Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

A Guide to Successful Pruning: Pruning Deciduous Trees https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-456/430-456.html Fri, 20 Dec 2024 19:46:55 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-456/430-456.html Expert-ReviewedSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2022-05-18T09:10:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

A Guide to Successful Pruning, Pruning Evergreen Trees https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-457/430-457.html Fri, 20 Dec 2024 19:48:54 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-457/430-457.html Expert-ReviewedSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2022-05-17T08:41:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

A Guide to Successful Pruning: Stop Topping Trees! https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-458/430-458.html Tue, 31 Oct 2023 10:52:19 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-458/430-458.html Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

A Guide to Successful Pruning, Pruning Shrubs https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-459/430-459.html Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:57:27 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-459/430-459.html Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

A Guide to Successful Pruning, Shrub Pruning Calendar https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-462/430-462.html Thu, 14 Mar 2024 12:02:39 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-462/430-462.html Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2021-06-11T15:47:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Spring and Summer Lawn Management Considerations for Cool-Season Turfgrasses https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-532/430-532.html Wed, 01 Nov 2023 07:38:20 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-532/430-532.html TurfCrop and Soil Environmental SciencesLawnsPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Spring and Summer Lawn Management Considerations for Warm-Season Turfgrasses https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-533/430-533.html Thu, 22 Aug 2024 10:49:08 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-533/430-533.html TurfCrop and Soil Environmental SciencesLawnsPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2009-05-01T01:00:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Rose Rosette Disease https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/450/450-620/450-620.html Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:09:18 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/450/450-620/450-620.html Plant DiseasesExpert-ReviewedSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterTrees, Shrubs, & Groundcovers 2023-12-20T11:54:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

2025 Spray Bulletin for Commercial Tree Fruit Growers https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-419/456-419.html Tue, 18 Feb 2025 13:30:08 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-419/456-419.html Alson H. Smith Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension CenterPublications for SaleEntomologyHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterGarden Insects PestsExpert-ReviewedAgricultural Insects PestsWest Virginia UniversityFruits & VegetablesUniversity of Maryland 2025-02-07T11:37:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

2024/2025 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-420/456-420.html Fri, 06 Dec 2024 23:34:21 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-420/456-420.html HorticultureSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesVegetables & Specialty CropsPublications for SaleEntomologyPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceEastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension CenterHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterExpert-Reviewed 2024-02-08T14:32:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/AREC/AREC-75/AREC-75.html Fri, 15 Nov 2024 18:25:42 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/AREC/AREC-75/AREC-75.html Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Best Management Practices for Boxwood Blight in the Virginia Home Landscape https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-29/PPWS-29.html Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:42:56 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-29/PPWS-29.html Plant DiseasesSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesLawnsPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterVirginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer ServicesTrees, Shrubs, & GroundcoversNursery & Greenhouse 2023-12-19T00:00:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Virginia Boxwood Blight Task Force https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-30/PPWS-30.html Mon, 02 Dec 2024 14:47:11 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-30/PPWS-30.html Plant DiseasesPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterVirginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer ServicesTrees, Shrubs, & GroundcoversNursery & GreenhouseVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit Office 2019-07-01T10:03:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Best Management Practices for Boxwood Blight in Virginia Production Nurseries WITHOUT Boxwood Blight Version 2, September 2016 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-33/PPWS-33.html Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:23:27 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-33/PPWS-33.html Plant DiseasesVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterVirginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 2021-01-05T15:33:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Best Management Practices for Boxwood Blight for Greenery Producers https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-39/PPWS-39.html Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:38:39 -0400 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-39/PPWS-39.html Plant DiseasesVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficeSchool of Plant and Environmental SciencesPlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterVirginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 2021-01-06T15:36:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Best Management Practices for Boxwood Blight for Professionally Managed Landscapes and Public and Historic Gardens in Virginia https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-49/PPWS-49.html Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:14:08 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/PPWS/PPWS-49/PPWS-49.html Plant DiseasesVirginia Cooperative Extension Unit OfficePlant Pathology, Physiology and Weed ScienceHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterVirginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 2024-02-01T10:51:00.000-05:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Blackberry Fruit: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/SPES/spes-366/spes-366.html Mon, 23 Dec 2024 20:35:52 -0500 https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/SPES/spes-366/spes-366.html School of Plant and Environmental SciencesSmall FruitHealth & NutritionHampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension CenterExpert-ReviewedFruits & VegetablesFruits 2022-03-16T14:50:00.000-04:00

Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.
