Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis)



Authors as Published

Alex X. Niemiera, Professor, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech (first published October 2018, last reviewed March 2024)


Foliage: Deciduous broadleaf

Height: 15 feet

Spread: 8 feet

Shape: Upright, arching

The primary and sole attractive aspect of beautybush is a stunning mass of pink, bell- shaped flowers in spring.

Plant Needs

Zone: 6 to 9

Light: Partial shade to full sun

Moisture: Moist or dry

Soil Type: Sandy, loam, or clay

pH Range: 3.5 to 7.2


Suggested uses for this plant is massing to serve as a shrub border or to use singly where a large shrub is needed.

Planting Notes

Prefers well-drained soil. Tolerates wide range of soil pH.


Easy to grow. Requires little attention if given room to develop.

Because plants often get leggy with age, prune after flowering in the spring. Remove one- third of the wood, including the oldest branches and any weak growth at ground level. One can completely rejuvenate the plant by cutting all stems to near ground level; however, this will minimize next spring’s flower production.


No serious insect or disease pests.


Consult local sources, including historic or public gardens and arboreta, regarding cultivars and related species that grow well in your area.

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Publication Date

March 7, 2024

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