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Business Management Practices for Small to Medium Sized Forest Products Firms



Authors as Published

Omar Espinoza; Assistant Professor, Forest Products Management Development Institute Chair, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering Department University of Minnesota Robert Smith; Professor and Head, Department of Sustainable Biomaterials and Associate Dean for Engagement, College of Natural Resources and Environment, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia

Cover, Business Management Prac􀆟ces

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One of the most exciting and frightening choices an individual can make is to start a small business. Yet this entrepreneurial spirit is the backbone of our economy and  the free enterprise system that drives many individuals to great success. From  Henry Ford to Frederick Weyerhaeuser, individuals with a good idea can help shape a nation. This book is written to provide the information you will need to start your small forest products company. However, business planning is not what you really want to do.If you are like most entrepreneurs, you have a product or service in mind and want to sell it without a lot of formal planning in mind.

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Publication Date

November 2, 2020