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Buzz, Body & Bites for Teens - August 2023
August Edition of the Buzz, Body, and Bites Newsletter for Teens
Aug 1, 2023 4H-1022NP
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Chicken Barbecue Apr 7, 2021 4H-35NP (4H-425NP)
Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Egg Preparation Demonstration Feb 3, 2021 4H-429NP
Shooting Sports Competition
This year for the first time Congress is introducing an actual shooting competition in Rifle and Archery. Registration is limited to 24 total participants (12 Archery, 12 Rifle). All equipment will be provided – participants do not bring equipment. An introduction and firing the first shots workshop will be conducted with all participants to begin the day and then break out to disciplines for the competition. There will also be a general knowledge/safety test that will count toward the final scores of participants. All those who register for this competition will spend the entire day at the range (8am – 5pm) and will not be eligible to sign up for any other workshops on Tuesday.
Apr 22, 2015 4H-433NP
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table: Hydroponic Salad Greens Jul 2, 2020 4H-911NP
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table: Beef Jul 22, 2020 4H-915NP
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table: Peanuts Nov 11, 2020 4H-932NP
June 2023 Buzz, Body, & Bites for Teens Newsletter
A healthy living newsletter targeted at teens to improve their knowledge, overall health and wellbeing.
Jun 1, 2023 4H-1019NP
Buzz, Body and Bites for Teens Newsletter - Summer Edition
Buzz, Body & Bites for Teens, a quarterly newsletter designed to provide practical information that educates and empowers teens to live a healthy lifestyle.
Oct 21, 2024 4H-1032NP
Virginia Cooperative Extension Advancing Well-Being
Virginia Cooperative Extension is advancing well-being by offering a variety of health education programs through Family & Consumer Sciences and 4H. We impact community health by providing evidence-based programs and by building community partnerships that breakdown the social, economic, and environmental barriers to health. Our 2023 impacts center around chronic disease, healthy lifestyles, and social-emotional health.
Oct 23, 2024 FCS-144NP
Edamame Processing: What Do I Need to Know? Jun 30, 2020 FST-371P
Organic Foods: A Guide for Consumers Mar 14, 2023 FST-444NP
Buzz, Body & Bites- November 2021 Newsletter Nov 1, 2021 HNFE-983NP
Let’s Move More! Virginia! An Instructor’s Guide to Mindful Movement for Kids and Teens
Extension professionals and volunteers interact with kids in a variety of programming. Youth who engage in mindy-body practices experience a number of health benefits ranging from reduced anxiety and stress to improved mood and academic performance. This document helps Extension professionals and volunteers lead mind-body practices with youth. There are materials that give background to the approach as well as structured exercises.
Nov 29, 2023 HNFE-1089P
Visioning a Preferred Future for Virginia's Food System for 2027 Jun 3, 2019 SPES-142NP
Facilitating Community, Local, and Regional Food Systems
A food system describes all the components including production, processing, distribution, sales, purchasing, preparation, consumption, and waste disposal pathways. A community-focused food system is a collaborative network that integrates and encourages sustainable food production, processing, distribution, consumption and waste management in order to enhance the environmental, economic and social health of a particular place.
Dec 2, 2024 SPES-144NP
A Virginia Producer-Buyer Networking Event Toolkit: Facilitating Value Chain Connections Aug 19, 2020 SPES-242NP
Edamame in Virginia III. Handling and Processing from Harvest to Package Apr 14, 2023 SPES-456P
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Introduction and overview
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, we define “farm to school”, provide an overview of Farm to School initiatives in Virginia, highlight the content of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit and webinar series.
Jul 24, 2024 SPES-594NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Growing a farm to school team
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, we are joined by several panelists who will share their experiences and processes for obtaining funds for farm to school projects and how to evaluate them.
Jul 29, 2024 SPES-595NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Funding and Evaluating Farm to School Initiatives
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, we are joined by several panelists who will share their experiences and processes for obtaining funds for farm to school projects and how to evaluate them.
Jul 29, 2024 SPES-596NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Telling the Farm to School Story
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, our panelists will discuss why it is important to share success stories with stakeholders, and will provide some examples of ways to do so.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-597NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Procuring Local Foods for Schools and Child Nutrition Programs
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, our panelists will share about how they have navigated through the process of procuring local foods for local schools.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-598NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Procuring Safe Food, Assessing Risks, and Documenting Practices
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, our panelists will look at the flow of food from farm to tray, associated food safety contamination risks, and helpful resources to consider.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-599NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Delivery and Distribution
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, we are joined by several panelists, who will highlight some tangible ways food is being delivered and distributed as part of the farm-to-school value chain in Virginia.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-600NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Connecting School Gardens and Farms to Students and Cafeterias
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, we will consider how school gardens play an integral part of farm to school programs. Our panelists will share how they have developed and worked with school gardens and farms, and will offer some tips that can help in farm to school efforts.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-601NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Sparking a Love of Local Food and Farming: Classrooms, Early Care Sites, and Summer Programs
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, we will consider opportunities to extend classroom learning into early care settings, afterschool activities, and summer programs. Our panelists will share their stories of how they are doing so.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-602NP
Virginia Farm to School Toolkit Webinar Series: Sparking a Love of Local Food and Farming: Afterschool Programs
This webinar series is designed to support and explain each chapter of the Virginia Farm to School Toolkit, which was developed to guide VCE Extension agents, school division administrators, school nutrition professionals, educators, school garden coordinators, and others toward using farm to school practices as a means to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, Virginia grown food while providing hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. In this webinar, our panelists will share their stories about how they have sparked a love of local food and farming through classroom and afterschool programs.
Jul 30, 2024 SPES-603NP