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Balancing Life: Moving Forward During COVID-19



Authors as Published

Presented by Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Extension Specialist, Community Viability, Virginia Tech; Katherine Carter, Extension Assistant Youth Livestock Programming Specialist, Virginia Tech; Sam Fisher, Virginia 4-H Camping Specialist, Virginia Cooperative Extension; Elizabeth Pittman, Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Virginia Cooperative Extension; and Kimberly Allen, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Family and Community Sciences, North Carolina State University

This resource is available as a video only.

With phased re-openings, masks policies, recommendations, and other factors related to COVID-19, many of us have gotten confused by all of the details. And as things re-open, families are making decisions about the activities that they will engage in, and even which they will put back on their schedules (e.g., youth sports, music lessons, etc.) The presenters will help us understand current recommendations, proper mask usage and sanitation for children and adults, and provide a framework for helping families make decisions regarding activities.


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Publication Date

July 14, 2020