Boil Water Advisory - Handwashing Station Requirements

When a fecal indicator is found in water that is an indication that the current water treatment is not effectively removing harmful waterborne microorganisms from the water. To safely use the water for handwashing in your area, follow these guidelines.

Potable Clean Water
Use treated or bottled water with a constant flow for washing with two hands

Coolers or Jugs
Clean coolers or jugs with free-flow spigot and a catch basin

Soap and Paper Towels
Have a trash can available
Cleaning a Water Jug
- Sanitize with 2 tbsp of unscented bleach in 1 gallon of water – Slosh to cover all surfaces.
- Let stand 5 minutes and drain. Do not rinse.
- Fill with potable water.
For more details, see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s DrinkingWater Advisory Communication Toolbox,
For questions and specific information, contact your local Environmental Health Department
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Publication Date
September 9, 2020