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Fitting in Fitness at Home



Authors as Published

Samantha Harden, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Physical Activity Research and Community Implementation Lab,Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech; Alicia Everette, Graduate Research Assistant, Physical Activity Research and Community Implementation Lab,Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech; Megan Pullin, Program Manager, Physical Activity Research and Community Implementation Lab, Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech

Suggestions for planning your workout:

  • It is always helpful to track your workouts so you can stay organized and intentional while also measuring progress!
  • Hydration is key!
  • Everyday is different! Even when you aren't feeling your strongest, continue to show up and do the work! Some days and weeks are more challenging than others because life can throw us curve balls. It is in these times when we continue to show up for ourselves that we grow and learn how strong we really are!
  • Weight can vary depending on your intention and specific lift. We recommend starting with less weight and trying more reps so you can build healthy movement patterns before adding more weight.
Image showing 2 skeched persons talking about the difference betweein a set and a rep, where a set is  a series or group of repetitions. With the exercises on these worksheets, you can start with 3-5 sets. While a rep or repetition is  how many of each exercise you will do. With the exercises on these worksheets you can try anywhere from 6- 12 reps.

Rest time in between each set is very important to give your muscles a short recovery period before getting into your next set. This not only gives you time to breathe and work on heart rate variability, but also supports injury prevention. Suggested rest time can be anywhere from 30-60 seconds for the exercises provided.

"Three sets with 12 reps and 60 second rest = 55 minute total"


"One set each with 12 reps and 60 second rest = 18 minute total"

We recommend starting where you are at and working from there! Physical Activity guidelines recommend doing activities that make your muscles work harder than usual at least two days a week.

1. High Knees

(Targets Lower Body)
One at a time, bring your knees up to hip height. For higher intensity, pick up the pace!

two images for a girl showing how to do high knees, first one on the left she lift up her right knee to hip height and the second picture on the right she put her knee down to switch to the other knee

2. Narrow Squats

(Targets Lower Body)

With your feet together, sit back like you're aiming for a chair. Make sure your knees don't go past your toes.

Two images showing a girl stands up with her feets together, then on the other image she is sitting back like she is aiming for a chair and her legs are shoulder-width apart with arms spread in shoulder height

3. Calf Raises

(Targets Lower Body)

Shift your weight into your toes to raise your heels. Then, lower your heels back to the ground.

two images showing a girl standing tall with her feet hip-width apart. on the other image she lift her body by pushing into the fronts of her feet and putting both hands on her hips.

4. Knee Push-ups

(Targets Upper Body)
Place both hands and both knees on the ground. Tuck your toes for stability. Bend at your elbows to bring your chest closer to the floor. Press the ground away to return to starting position.

The first image showing a woman placed both hands and both knees on the ground. Tuck her toes for stability. the other image showing her bend at her elbows to bring her chest closer to the floor.

5. Superman

(Targets Back)
Lying on the floor, lift your arms and legs at the same time. Keep your neck in line with your spine. Slowly lower to release.

First image shoiwng a man lying on the floor with his arms extended out above his head, then on the other image he is lifting his legs and arms a few inches off the ground. A position that looks as though you're flying like a superhero.

6. Wall Sit

(Targets Lower Body)
Against a wall, with your toes slightly turned away from you, bend your knees to lower into a squat. Hold as long as you can!

Two women sitting against the wall with their toes slightly turned away from them and bended their knees to lower into a squate.

7. Upright Row

(Targets Upper Body)
Start with feet about hip-distance apart for stability, and hands down by your side. With palms facing your chest, bend your elbows to bring your fists up to your chest. If you don't have weights, it's okay, just grab whatever you have near you-like a water bottle or book!

Three images showing a woman holding dumbells. on the first image, she is holding them and standing with feet hip-distance apart and her hands down by her side with palms facing her chest. On the second image she bended her elbows to bring her fists up to chest. On the third images she has her fists up to the chest level.

8. Lateral Raise

(Targets Upper Body)
Start with your arms by your sides, lift up to shoulder height, making a "T" shape with your body. Return to starting position.

Woman standing with her arms down holding dumbells. Then she raised her arms by her sides to the shoulder height making a "T" shape with her body.

9. Biceps Curls

(Targets Upper Body)
Start with feet about hip-distance apart for stability, and hands down by your side. Bend at your elbows to bring your fists close to your shoulders. Keep elbows close to your sides. Return to starting position.

Images showing a man standing with his feet at hip-distance apart and his hands down by his side holding dumbells facing out. He bends at his elbows to bring his fists close to his shoulders and his elbows are close to his sides.

10. Plank

(Targets Abdominals)
Start with hands under your shoulders, tuck your toes, engage your belly. Hold for as long as you can. The wider your feet, the more stable you'll feel.

A man Lying on the ground with the elbows in line with the shoulder and the feet shoulder width apart. he is pushing his body up bearing the weight on  the forearms and feet, Keeping his body straight.

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Publication Date

October 24, 2023