Grazing Summer Annuals |
This is a Graze 300 Virginia video which is part of an Extension initiative to enable Virginia farmers to achieve 300 days of livestock grazing by facilitating better pasture management and environmental stewardship. In this video clip, Jason Thurman of Lazy Acre Angus, in cooperation with Chris Brown Extension Agent with Virginia Cooperative Extension, explains his farm’s rotational grazing system and how he has incorporated summer annuals such as Sorghum-Sudangrass in the system to improve cow performance during the hot summer months. For more information about Graze 300 VA and Virginia Cooperative Extension, please visit Graze 300. Funding for the video was generously provided by the Agua Fund to encourage sustainable resilient agriculture and the conservation of important natural resources.
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Nov 2, 2023
SPES-35P |
Measuring Forage with a Falling Plate Meter |
This is a Graze 300 Virginia video which is part of an Extension initiative to enable Virginia farmers to achieve 300 days of livestock grazing by facilitating better pasture management and environmental stewardship. In this video clip, Jeanie Layton-Dudding, Extension Agent with Virginia Cooperative Extension, demonstrates how to use a falling plate meter measure the amount of forage available in a pasture and to plan your winter feeding management. For more information about Graze 300 VA and Virginia Cooperative Extension, please visit Graze 300. Funding for the video was generously provided by the Agua Fund to encourage sustainable resilient agriculture and the conservation of important natural resources. [hide][show] |
Nov 2, 2023
SPES-36P |