Information for Scoring 4-H Share-the-Fun Acts
Our primary objectives in the Share-the-Fun program are to encourage 4-H members to: 1) discover and develop their talents and 2) to develop confidence in self and performing before others. This score sheet is designed to have judges evaluate 4-H members’ performances, give members feedback to assist with their continuous development, and assist in the selection of acts that can be used in an exciting, entertaining variety show.
The information below is a guide for scoring. Inappropriateness in any category would change the weight of that particular area. For example, a brilliantly executed skit that depended upon the use of foul language would not be appropriate. Each act has a maximum of 4 minutes to perform. Acts will be marked down ten (10) Points if they exceed 15 seconds after the allotted four (4) minutes. One act per unit per category. Limit of four participants per act. Acts will be marked down ten (10) Points if they exceed 15 seconds after the allotted four (4) minutes. One act per unit per category. Materials Chosen - This area refers to the appropriateness of the material selected. A vocalist should select the song that is within his/her voice range; a pianist should pass up the “showy,” difficult piece for one he/she will play well. “Materials chosen” also refers to the appropriateness of the selection for a State 4-H Share-the-Fun Show.
Talent - This is the performer’s actual ability to do what the activity or skill requires. In any musical classification, this includes items such as the quality of intonation (rise, fall, and pitch of musical tones), harmony, rhythm, and any other attributes of an artistic presentation. In dance, it includes rhythm, timing, and execution of choreography. In novelty and dramatics, it includes voice expression, appropriate gestures, memorization, and artistic delivery. Judges should be aware that some of these performers have not had formal training.
Audience Response - This includes the response of the audience during the entire performance of the act. It is the attitude of the audience — enthusiastic, sympathetic, etc. — while the performer is on stage. It includes the acknowledgment the performer receives after the act is completed, as well as the anticipated audience reception were this person to perform in the State 4-H Share-the-Fun Show.
Creativity - Creativity is the ability to produce something new, unique, or original. An act may be original in the way it was developed and/or interpreted. Sometimes the act itself may not be original, but the costuming, staging, or delivery may show creativity. Additionally, the quality of the creativity should be measured.
Showmanship - Showmanship is the stage personality of the performer. It includes poise, confidence, facial expression, projection of voice, body movements, gestures, and the performer’s stage presence. It is the performer’s communication with the audience at all times. It is his/her ability to make smooth entrances and exits, to avoid awkward pauses, and to acknowledge the applause of the audience. It is the use of the microphone and special stage props if these are part of the act. In general, it is the whole personality of the performer while he/she is on stage.
Costumes and Props - Costumes and props should be appropriate and supportive of the act. For some acts, street clothes may be the most appropriate costume. If special costumes are used, they should contribute to the effectiveness of the act.
The suggested items to consider in scoring the 4-H Share-the-Fun acts are:
Materials Chosen 10 points
Creativity 15 points
Talent 45 points
Showmanship 15 points
Audience Response 5 points
Costume and Props 10 points

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Publication Date
June 18, 2020