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Resources for Family Consumer Sciences

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Pocket Spending Guide
For many people, the temptation to overspend is hardest to resist when they are out at a store or restaurant. Because their spending and savings plan (budget) is at home in a drawer, the information they need to make a good spending decision isn’t available. One way to help yourself stick to your plan is to keep your information in your pocket, wallet or purse. The example below shows how to set up a pocket spending guide. By filling it out and keeping it with you, you can easily see at any time how much money you have available to spend in each category. A pocket spending guide will help you adjust your spending plan to make your money go where you really want it to go.
Sep 8, 2020 2901-7018 (AAEC-229NP)
June 2023 Buzz, Body, & Bites for Teens Newsletter
A healthy living newsletter targeted at teens to improve their knowledge, overall health and wellbeing.
Jun 1, 2023 4H-1019NP
Family and Consumer Sciences
The family is the cornerstone of a healthy community. Virginia Cooperative Extension strives to improve the well-being of Virginia families through programs that help put researchbased knowledge to work in people’s lives. Family and Consumer Sciences educators help Virginians learn to make good choices for themselves and their families. This, in turn, strengthens their communities and the state.
Jan 11, 2021 490-050 (FCS-98NP)
Family and Consumer Sciences, A Resource for Virginia's Schools
As family and consumer science educators, we known that the family is the cornerstone of a healthy community. Virginia Cooperative Extension strives to improve the well-being of Virginia families through programs that put research-based knowledge to work in people’s lives.
Jan 11, 2021 490-408 (FCS-99NP)
VCE Model of Community, Local, Regional Food Systems May 20, 2022 ALCE-154NP
Community, Local, and Regional Food Systems Apr 22, 2022 ALCE-155NP (ALCE-291NP)
Community, Local, and Regional Food Systems (CLRFS) Forum Report Oct 7, 2016 ALCE-156NP
Community, Local, and Regional Food Systems (CLRFS) Forum Executive Summary
Virginia’s food system directly impacts the survival and viability of farms and farmland; the economic development of rural and urban communities; the care, restoration, and resilience of ecological resources such as local waterways; and critical health issues. We use the language of community, local, and regional food systems to broadly define a complex and interconnected set of systems and pathways that comprise sustainable food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management to bring about social, economic, and ecological change that benefits all residents.
Oct 7, 2016 ALCE-157NP
Going To Market: A Guide to Selling Raw, Processed, and Prepared Food Products from Your Home, at Farmers’ Markets, Stores, and Roadside Stands
This publication is a guide to selling raw, processed, and prepared food products from your home, at farmers’ markets, stores, and roadside stands. This guide will detail the answers to those questions, which vary depending on the type of food product and preparation process used. All food producers should follow the relevant good manufacturing practices (for example, those outlined in 21 CFR 114 and/or 21 CFR 117). This guide includes information related to meat, poultry, dairy, seafood, crustacean, shellfish, produce, maple syrup, honey, eggs, baked goods, jams, preserves, jellies, fruit butters, acidified canned foods, dehydrated foods, packaged refrigerated or frozen foods, kombucha, juice, pet treats, samples, time and temperature controlled for safety foods, and food service vendors.
Dec 13, 2024 ANR-46NP (FST-502NP)
Beating Stress - Family and Business Relationships May 10, 2021 FCS-105NP
Beating Stress - Financial May 10, 2021 FCS-106NP
Beating Stress - Wellness May 10, 2021 FCS-107NP
Stress After a Disaster May 10, 2021 FCS-109P (FCS-141P)
Beating Stress
Learn how to identify, understand, and shrink your stress through use of the five mini-video clips that discuss five area of stress.
May 10, 2021 FCS-111NP
Beating Stress - Introduction May 10, 2021 FCS-112NP
MEDIATION: Simply a Better Idea for Resolving Disputes and Managing Risk Jul 22, 2019 FCS-138NP
Learning in Families Together: Emerging Adults May 20, 2019 FCS-51P
Learning in Families Together: Adolescence and Brain Development May 3, 2019 FCS-54P
Learning in Families Together: Aging* May 8, 2019 FCS-55P
Learning in Families Together: School-Age Children and Bullying Apr 6, 2021 FCS-56P
Aprendiendo juntos en familia: Los niños en edad escolar y el acoso escolar (Learning in Families Together: School-Age Children and Bullying)
El acoso escolar o intimidación ocurre cuando un niño es el blanco de acciones hirientes una y otra vez por alguien más.
Apr 6, 2021 FCS-56S (FCS-77S)
Learning in Families Together: Infant Curiosity
Infants are naturally curious.
May 8, 2019 FCS-57P
Learning in Families Together: Infant Development 1 May 8, 2019 FCS-59P
Learning in Families Together: Infant Brain Development Jun 4, 2019 FCS-60P
Learning in Families Together: Infant Development 2 Jun 4, 2019 FCS-61P
Learning in Families Together: Infant Development 2 Jun 4, 2019 FCS-61P
Learning in Families Together: Pre-schoolers May 20, 2019 FCS-62P
Aprendiendo Juntos en Familia: preescolares ( Learning in Families Together: Pre-schoolers)
A los 2 años, los niños miden casi la mitad de lo que medirán de adultos.
May 18, 2019 FCS-62S
Learning in Families Together: “School-Agers” 5 to 8 Years Jun 3, 2019 FCS-63P
Learning in Families Together: Teens May 8, 2019 FCS-64P
Beating Stress: Challenges, Choices, Changes
Stress comes in many forms. There are normal and predictable stressors, such as a new job, getting married, or moving.
May 8, 2020 FCS-68P
Aprendiendo juntos en familia: Adolescencia y Desarrollo del Cerebro (Learning in Families Together: Adolescence and Brain Development)
Los adolescentes a menudo desconciertan a los adultos, pero nueva evidencia científica ayuda a entenderlos mejor a medida que se convierten en adultos jóvenes.
May 3, 2019 FCS-78P
Beating Stress - Daily Living May 10, 2021 FCS-104NP
Virginia Cooperative Extension Advancing Well-Being
Virginia Cooperative Extension is advancing well-being by offering a variety of health education programs through Family & Consumer Sciences and 4H. We impact community health by providing evidence-based programs and by building community partnerships that breakdown the social, economic, and environmental barriers to health. Our 2023 impacts center around chronic disease, healthy lifestyles, and social-emotional health.
Oct 23, 2024 FCS-144NP