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Plant Propagation from Seed
Sexual propagation involves the union of the pollen (male) with the egg (female) to produce a seed. The seed is made up of three main parts: the outer seed coat, which protects the seed; a food reserve (e.g., the endosperm); and the embryo, which is the young plant itself. When a seed is mature and put in a favorable environment, it will germinate, or begin active growth. In the following section, seed germination and transplanting of seedswill be discussed.
Oct 11, 2019 426-001 (SPES-682P)
Propagation by Cuttings, Layering and Division
Asexual propagation is the best way to maintain some species, particularly an individual that best represents that species. Clones are groups of plants that are identical to their one parent and that can only be propagated asexually.
Mar 20, 2025 426-002 (SPES-683P)
Jardinería en macetas y camas elevadas (Container and Raised Bed Gardening)
La jardinería en macetas le permite tener y disfrutar de muchas plantas ornamentales y cuando no puede cultivarlas directamente en la tierra. Puede utilizar plantas cultivadas en macetas en entradas, patios, terrazas, azoteas, jardines, interiores o en cualquier lugar donde necesite añadir un componente vivo para mejorar el atractivo de una zona. Cada maceta plantada tendrá su propia personalidad; puede crear un paisaje en cada maceta. Pueden ser impresionantes o sutiles, grandes o pequeñas. Las plantas y las macetas ofrecen combinaciones ilimitadas de tamaño, color, forma y textura que pueden dar a su entorno interior y exterior un aspecto más agradable desde el punto de vista estético.
Nov 6, 2023 426-020s (SPES-428P)
Winterizing the Water Garden
Water gardens require maintenance throughout the year. Preparation for the winter months is especially important for the survival of both the aquatic plants and the wildlife in and around the pond. Some plants will not tolerate winter weather and must be removed from the pond while cold-hardy plants need only to be completely immersed in the pond. Debris such as leaves and dying plants must be removed, especially if there are fish in the pond. Fall is the time to take action. Prepare the pond for the winter months by managing the plants, cleaning the pond, and monitoring the water conditions. If treated properly, many aquatic plants and wildlife can survive in the water garden for years.
Mar 1, 2020 426-042 (SPES-261P)
Gardening and Your Health: Power Tool Safety May 1, 2009 426-068
Home Hydroponics May 1, 2009 426-084
Seed For The Garden Apr 8, 2022 426-316 (SPES-392P)
Irrigating the Home Garden
Adequate soil moisture is essential for good crop growth. A healthy plant is 75 percent to 90 percent water. The plant needs that much water to carry out vital functions, including photosynthesis, support (rigidity), transpiration, and transportation of nutrients and sugars to various parts of the plant. During the first two weeks of growth, plants are becoming established and must have the proper amount of water to build their root systems. Too little water can stunt or even kill tender seedlings, while excessive moisture can prevent roots from moving out into the soil searching for water and nutrients. Without a sufficient root system, hot, dry weather can adversely affect vegetable plants as they mature. In areas prone to repeated drought, select drought-resistant varieties when buying seed or plants.
May 20, 2015 426-322 (HORT-178P)
Mulches for the Home Vegetable Garden
Mulching is a practice adaptable to nearly all home gardens. To mulch is simply to cover the soil around plants with a protective material, organic or inorganic.
Sep 16, 2020 426-326 (SPES-256P)
Intensive Gardening Methods Nov 6, 2023 426-335
Métodos de huerta intensiva (Intensive Gardening Methods)
El objetivo de la jardinería intensiva es cosechar la mayor cantidad posible de productos en un espacio limitado. Las huertas más tradicionales constan de largas hileras de hortalizas muy separadas entre sí. Gran parte de la superficie de la huerta está ocupada por el espacio entre las hileras. Una huerta intensiva minimiza el espacio desperdiciado. La práctica de la huerta intensiva no es solo para los que tienen un espacio limitado en el jardín; más bien, una huerta intensiva concentra sus esfuerzos de trabajo para crear un entorno ideal para las plantas, lo que brinda mejores rendimientos.
Nov 6, 2023 426-335s (SPES-427P)
Season Extenders Apr 22, 2015 426-381 (HORT-159P)
Calibrating Your Lawn Spreader May 1, 2009 430-017
Pruning Crapemyrtles Apr 19, 2022 430-451 (SPES-387P)
Fine Tuning a Sprayer with “Ounce” Calibration Method
This extension publication discusses guidelines to quickly evaluate the performance of a sprayer. Sprayer calibration, nozzle discharge, spray pattern uniformity, speed checks, pump performance, and plumbing arrangements are evaluated with minimal calculations.
Apr 16, 2020 442-453 (BSE-320P)
Forma para el Muestreo de Suelos de Céspedes, Jardines, Frutas y Ornamentales en el Hogar (Soil Sample Information Sheet for Home Lawns, Gardens, Fruits, and Ornamentals) May 18, 2023 452-125S (SPES-501NP)
Soil Sampling for the Home Gardener
This publication explains how to obtain representative soil samples and to submit them for analysis to the Virginia Tech Soil Testing Laboratory.
Feb 6, 2020 452-129 (SPES-176P)
The Role of Farmer Input in the Design of Assistive Technologies: A Focus on Agricultural Exoskeletons Feb 15, 2023 ALCE-304NP
Accurate Application and Placement of Chemicals on Lawns Feb 12, 2020 BSE-318NP
Guidelines for Protecting Youth Workers: Promote Safe Practices and Protect Youth Workers
The goal of this training guide is to reduce the number of accidents and related injuries among the youth workers in the green industry by making workplaces safer. This guide is primarily for employers or supervisors of youth workers in the green industry. In addition to familiarizing the employers/supervisors with the regulations associated with hiring youth workers, the guide discusses the steps they can take to make their work environments safer. It also covers the responsibilities of guardians and youth workers for making workplaces safer.
Jan 29, 2024 BSE-46NP (BSE-314P)
Hand Tools Safety: Lawn Care Training Guide Hand Tool Care and Safe Use
Many hand tools such as rakes, shovels, and pruners are used widely in lawn care operations. While these non-powered tools are not known to cause major injuries, they have the potential for injuries that may require absence from work and/or medical assistance when they are used improperly.
Jan 29, 2024 BSE-51P (BSE-323P)
Tractor-Mounted Lifts Jun 18, 2018 BSE-58NP (BSE-230NP)
Tractor-Mounted Vertical Lifts Jun 22, 2018 BSE-59NP (BSE-232NP)
Tractor-Mounted Inclined Lifts Jun 22, 2018 BSE-60NP (BSE-231NP)
Determining Harvesting Time for Corn Silage May 5, 2016 DASC-82NP
Vertical Gardening Using Trellises, Stakes, and Cages Dec 12, 2022 HORT-189NP (SPES-450NP)
Backyard Composting Feb 27, 2013 HORT-49P
Therapeutic Gardening Dec 12, 2022 HORT-66NP (SPES-432NP)
Your Soil Test Report Simplified A Guide for Homeowners Mar 10, 2022 SPES-384NP
Comparison of Raised Bed Methods, Materials, and Costs Sep 29, 2022 SPES-425NP
Style Guide and Template for Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
"Virginia Cooperative Extension is required to ensure that its digital content is accessible by everyone regardless of physical or technological readiness. This includes all content that is posted online —websites, publications, social media, email, presentations, etc. This template has been designed to help you create a publication that meets this requirement. Please use this template and follow the guidelines below to create your publication. If your publication does not meet accessibility guidelines, it will not be published."
Aug 21, 2024 VCE-946NP (VCE-1200NP)