Opportunities for Senior 4-H Members

4-H Educational Center Programs
Each of the six Virginia 4-H Centers has a variety of programs throughout the year especially for senior 4-H members. The following website lists the centers and programs they have available: http://www.ext.vt.edu/topics/4hyouth/camping/index.html
4-H Camp Teen Volunteer
Opportunity to serve as a 4-H camp counselor or counselor-in-training during the summer 4-H camping week, and/or during any other special interest or day camp events that the county or city may conduct.
- Date: Varies by county or city (call your local Extension office for more information)
- Where: The 4-H camps are held at the respective 4-H Educational Center, and/or at other designated locations for special interest and day 4-H camping events.
- Cost: Determined by the local Extension office--some counties and cities may be able to cover costs, or partial costs, for teen 4-H camp counselors and/or counselors-in-training positions.
- Deadline for application: Varies by county or city.
- Age: Teens must be 14 years of age or older by January 1 of the current 4-H year (October 1- September 30) in order to serve as a 4-H camp counselor, and attend the pre-camp training session(s) scheduled by the Extension office. The 4-H camp counselors-in-training may be younger; however, they do not have supervisory responsibilities at any time with
4-H campers. - For more information: Call the local Extension office for additional information and request an application to be a 4-H camp counselor.

IFYE Ambassador
This program provides a variety of offerings for young people, ages 16-26, to explore another area of the world, live with host families, learn another language and culture, experience youth programs, pursue new project dimensions, and enjoy the sights and sounds of other lands.
- Date: Most programs are five to six weeks during the summer, beginning in June.
- Where: Ambassador may explore Europe, Latin America and Asia.
- Cost: The cost is between $2000-$4000, depending on the area of the world and the type of program selected. The cost includes international airline ticket, travel in host country, food, lodging, supplemental insurance, orientation, and evaluation programs. Financial support and fundraising assistance may be available through the unit office or through the State 4-H Office.
- Application: Applications are available through your unit Extension Office.
- Contact: Glenda Snyder, State 4-H Office, 540-521-9647, gsnyder@vt.edu
Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference
SRTLC is a first-of-its-kind, multi-state 4-H conference created to bring together 4-H teens and adults to empower & inspire them to make a positive change across the southern region through youth-adult partnerships.
- Date: Late September
- Where: Clyde M. York 4-H Center, Crossville, TN
- Cost: Approximately $200
- Application: SRTLC Application, due mid-August
- For more information: https://4h.tennessee.end/Pages/4hsrtlc.aspx
- Contact: Tonya Price, 540-432-6029, Ext. 116
4-H Teen Volunteer for County or City 4-H Program
The 4-H teen leader assists adult volunteer leaders in the local 4-H club program. This may include helping younger 4-H'ers with their project, working with them in club activities, teaching, and other possible areas of assistance. Training is provided on the local level to prepare teens for this task.
4-H Judging
Exciting opportunities exist in areas of Avian Bowl, Dairy, Environmental Ed and Natural Resources, Fashion Revue, Horse, Poultry, Livestock, and Plant & Soil Science. Beginning programs at the club and unit level lead to state, national and international experiences. Judging is an exciting way to learn more about these subjects. Contact your local extension office for more information.
4-H All Stars
Membership in 4-H All Stars is the highest recognition that a Virginia 4-H'er can achieve. The Virginia 4-H All Stars organization is service oriented and volunteer operated. It is a distinct privilege and high honor to be asked to join this organization. Throughout the years, 4-H members across the state have grown and learned with the incentive of All-Star membership as a goal. While it is an honor to be chosen as an All Star, the real advantage of membership is in serving the 4-H program and the community in which you live. The motto of the 4-H All Stars is Service.
- Application: Virginia All -Star Application
- Due: December 1
- Age: 14 -19
- For more information: http://www.ext.vt.edu/topics/4h-youth/allstars/index.html
- Contact: Glenda Snyder, State 4-H Office
State 4-H Congress
The Virginia 4-H program is showcased at Virginia 4-H Congress through exhilarating educational experiences, project competitions, service learning, and special programs. 4-H Congress is also a time in which 4-H'ers from around the Commonwealth come together at Virginia Tech to share in the fun and fellowship. These shared, social experiences include workshops, recreation, evening programs such as dances and pep rallies, and group living in a Virginia Tech residence hall.
- Date: June
- Where: Blacksburg, VA
- Cost: Approximately $200.00
- Application: Register through 4HOnline
- Deadline: First Friday in May
- Ages: 14-18
- Contact: State 4-H Office, 540-231-6372

Virginia 4-H State Cabinet (Ambassadors and Officers)
State Officers and District Ambassadors play a large role in planning and conducting State 4-H Congress. They also have responsibilities to enhance the public understanding and image of 4-H through effective communication of programs and activities throughout the year and are also called upon to contact local legislators in their district as well as make appearances at state functions.
- Date: June
- Where: Blacksburg, VA
- Cost: Approximately $100.00 (for blazer and tie)
- Application: Virginia 4-H Cabinet Application and Consent Form
- Deadline: First Friday in May
- Ages: 14-18
- Contact: Tonya Price, 540-432-6029, Ext.116
Teen Excellence in Leadership Institute (TELI)
Outstanding teens, nominated by their 4-H Agent or FFA Advisor are selected through a competitive process to participate in this leadership opportunity. The institute design encompasses inperson events and interactive virtual meetings. Institute goals are to: 1) understand self and develop a personalized action plan for engaged leadership, 2) network with teens interested in learning about issues facing youth and communities, 3) design a team project to address community leadership needs, 4) learn about advocacy and outreach. Topics covered include: Strengths-Based Leadership, problem solving style, group facilitation skills, youth-adult partnerships, team building, project collaboration, peer feedback and evaluation, leadership principles, and critical reflection.
- Date: November - April
- Where: 4-H Educational Centers and Virtual Meetings via WebEx
- Cost: Approximately $200.00
- Application: Nomination by 4-H Agent or FFA Advisor and completion of TELI Application
- Deadline: September
- Ages: 10th and 11th graders
- Contact: Tonya Price, 540-432-6029, Ext. 116

Virginia Tech Collegiate Host Weekend
Collegiate 4-H Club hosts this weekend for high school juniors and seniors to get a taste of college life. Spend the weekend as the guest of a college. Contact the State 4-H Office for more information.

National-Level Conferences
Leadership Washington Focus
Leadership Washington Focus (LWF) is 4-H’s only national experience exclusively for youth entering grades 7 through 9. During LWF, middle school 4-H’ers have the rare opportunity to engage their peers at the national level around the subjects of innovation, service, and perspective taking. Delegates will gain key leadership skills in four proficiency areas: Confidence, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking.
- Date: July
- Where: National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD
- Cost: Approximately $550.00
- Application: Register with the State 4-H Office
- Ages: 7th through 9th graders
- Contact: State 4-H Office, 540-231-6372
National 4-H Congress
The "Cadillac" of 4-H experiences, National 4-H Congress is held annually in late November in Atlanta, GA. To attend, 4-H members must submit a resume and successfully participate in an interview before a panel of judges. Four-H members must demonstrate excellence in leadership, citizenship, project work, and community service. The educational program involves nationally recognized speakers, informational tours, and great entertainment. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience of thrills and learning.
- Date: Late November, the day after Thanksgiving (5 days)
- Where: Atlanta, GA
- Cost: $50 (Scholarships of approximately $1000 including transportation to and from are provided for delegates)
- Application: Resumes due April 1 of each year. Interviews during State 4-H Congress.
- For more information: http://national4-hcongress.com/
- Contact: State 4-H Office, 540-231-6372
National 4-H Conference
National 4-H Conference may be the most important program opportunity available to a senior 4-H'er. As part of a team, 4-H members are empowered to make recommendations and innovations that could determine the character of 4-H in the future. Up to six youth may be selected to represent Virginia.
- Date: First full week in April
- Where: National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD
- Cost: Approximately $800.00 (fully funded by State 4-H Office)
- Application: National 4-H Conference Application and Essay
- Deadline: January 1
- Ages: 16-19
- For more information: http://www.4-h.org/4-h-conference/
- Contact: State 4-H Office, 540-231-6372
Citizenship Washington Focus
The premiere 4-H citizenship and government education program, Citizenship Washington Focus is a fast paced, hands on exposure to the seat of our federal government, Washington, D.C. Programs features include workshops, tours, of federal facilities, legislative visits, and FUN!!
- Date: Second or third week in July
- Where: National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD
- Cost: Approximately $700 (scholarships available through local Ruritan and other civic clubs)
- Application: Citizenship Washington Focus Application
- Deadline: May 15
- Ages: 15-18
- For more information: http://www.4hcenter.org/youth-conferencecenter-overview/educationalprograms/citizenship-washington-focus/
- Contact: State 4-H Office, 540-231-6372
Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.
Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.
Publication Date
May 5, 2021