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VCE AG Today: High Fertilizer Prices; Why?



Authors as Published

Olga Isengildina Massa, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics; Patrick Kayser, Virginia Land Use Value Analyst; and Jayson Gill, Undergraduate Student

This resource is available as a video only. 

If any of you have recently watched the news, read articles on agricultural media, or requested a fertilizer quote, you probably know that fertilizer prices have soared, to in some cases, record highs over the past several months. I know from conversation with many producers that great concern and uncertainty looms over budgeting and input costs heading into 2022 as producers are thinking about rotation considerations and other management decisions. Various speculation exists on how high prices may reach, and how long they may stay there. As you start planning and budgeting for the 2022 cropping season, please join us tomorrow morning (December 2, 2021 at 9 AM) for another session of VCE Ag Today. Tomorrow morning we will be joined by 3 guest speakers from the Department of Agricultural Economics at Virginia Tech to discuss this topic and offer some insight into the factors that are driving this recent surge in prices, and offer recommendations heading into 2022. This is a great opportunity and a discussion that you will not want to miss! We will be joined by Dr. Olga Isengildina Massa, Patrick Kayser, and Jayson Gill.

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Publication Date

February 7, 2022