Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia, 2021 |
This report follows the analysis presented in the previous year's "Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia" report (Kayser et al. 2022). This report extends the analysis to agricultural land sales in the Commonwealth of Virginia for the year 2021. Similar to its predecessor, this report offers a detailed examination of market-based agricultural land transactions, providing insights at both the multi-county district and statewide levels. [hide][show] |
Mar 25, 2025
AAEC-331NP |
Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia, 2022 |
This report extends the analysis from previous years' "Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia" reports (Kayser et al. 2022) to cover agricultural land transactions within the Commonwealth of Virginia for the year 2022. Similar to prior editions, this report provides a detailed examination of market-based agricultural land sales, utilizing verified arm's-length transactions. The analysis captures market trends at both the statewide and Agricultural Statistics District (ASD) levels, providing a comprehensive view of the agricultural land market in Virginia. [hide][show] |
Mar 25, 2025
AAEC-332NP |
Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia, 2023 |
This analysis examines agricultural land sales trends in Virginia, focusing on transaction volume, price-per-acre changes, and regional differences. The study finds a decrease in overall transaction volume across the state, which could be influenced by broader real estate market conditions. Data from the analysis is also compared to other agricultural land value studies. [hide][show] |
Mar 25, 2025
AAEC-324P (AAEC-333NP) |
Virginia Property Tax Reassessment Overview |
The publication provides an overview of the property tax reassessment process in Virginia. It explains why tax reassessment is important, and what the typical process looks like for Virginia jurisdictions. The paper gives a breakdown on how often reassessments are conducted, how the process differs for counties versus cities, and a step-by-step breakdown of the process for contractors or state officials. In addition to reassessment methodologies, the publication also provides figures showing statistical breakdowns of reassessment factors such as contracting or conducting in-house, the use of a physical inspection, and common reassessment intervals. [hide][show] |
Jun 21, 2024
AAEC-327NP |
Native warm season grass variety trial, 2021-2023 |
Native warm season grasses may provide valuable forage resources for farmers in the summer months, while also providing habitat for wildlife, among other conservation benefits. This report provides the results of a three-year forage yield variety trial of 20 different cultivars and ecotypes of native warm season grasses at five different locations in Virginia. [hide][show] |
Dec 1, 2023
SPES-562NP |
2022 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates |
Feb 22, 2023
AAEC-290NP (AAEC-317NP) |
Results of the 2022 Virginia’s Land Use-Value Assessment Program Survey |
Dec 7, 2022
448-257 (AAEC-304NP) |
Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia |
Apr 1, 2022
AAEC-294P |
VCE AG Today: High Fertilizer Prices; Why? |
Feb 7, 2022
VCE-1027-61NP |
2020 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates |
Jul 2, 2021
AAEC-290NP |
Methods and Procedures: Determining the Use Value of Agricultural and Horticultural Land in Virginia |
Virginia law allows for localities adopting a program of special assessments for agriculture, horticulture, forestry and/or open space lands for their land to be taxed based on the value of the land in one of these four uses (use value) instead of its market value. This document describes methods and procedures used to calculate use values for agriculture and horticulture land based on an income and rental rate approach. [hide][show] |
Aug 21, 2020
446-011 (AAEC-215P) |
Ag Policy & Market Outlook Forum |
Apr 28, 2020
AAEC-222NP |
2023 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates |
Every year in August the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) releases cash rental rates for 3 distinct land classes in Virginia as mandated by the 2008 Farm Bill. Rental rates for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland and pastureland were recently released for Virginia counties and cities. Provided below is 2023 rental rates by jurisdiction for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland and pastureland. [hide][show] |
AAEC-328NP |