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Resources by Jeremy Daubert

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Virtual Farm to Table: Dairy Jul 27, 2020 4H-916NP
Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part I): Raising a Healthy and Future Production Dairy Heifer Apr 20, 2023 ALCE-309NP
Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part II): Small Scale Dairy with Cows or Goats Apr 20, 2023 ALCE-310NP
Starting a Small Scale Dairy (Part III): The Rest of the Story Apr 20, 2023 ALCE-311NP
April 2022 Dairy Pipeline Apr 15, 2022 DASC-148NP
November / December 2022 Dairly Pipeline Oct 31, 2022 DASC-154NP
May 2023 Dairy Pipeline May 3, 2023 DASC-158NP
Dairy Pipeline Newsletter - November/December 2023
In this issue: The most important nutrient!; The role of adipose tissue in metabolic adaptation during the transition period of dairy cows; Upcoming Events
Oct 26, 2023 DASC-163NP
July/August 2024 Dairy Pipeline
In this issue: Heat stress affects everyone!; Scours in dairy calves: a common but dangerous condition; Upcoming Events; Additional Notes
Jul 8, 2024 DASC-170NP
Rockingham County 2023 Situation Analysis Report
Virginia Cooperative Extension takes pride in the premise that vital programming is based on the issues, problems, and needs of the people. A thorough analysis of the situation provides context for understanding and addressing these problems. Each local office updates their situation analysis every 4-5 years.
Apr 5, 2024 VCE-596-89NP (VCE-1175-89NP)