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FDA Traceability Rule for the Seafood Industry
The FDA Traceability Rule (FTR) introduces new requirements for tracking seafood products through the supply chain. This publication explains how the rule affects the seafood industry, with particular focus on products listed in FDA's Food Traceability List, including finfish, crustaceans, and most molluscan shellfish. It outlines key concepts such as Critical Tracking Events, Traceability Lot Codes, and Key Data Elements that seafood businesses must understand for compliance. Using the Virginia blue crab industry as an example, the publication demonstrates how to implement these requirements across the supply chain from harvest to final sale. Practical guidance is provided for record keeping, staff training, and selecting appropriate technology solutions. While implementing these new requirements requires careful planning, the resulting improvements in traceability systems offer substantial benefits beyond regulatory compliance, including enhanced food safety response, market differentiation, and operational efficiency.
Mar 21, 2025 BSE-370P