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Seafood Safety Regulations and Requirements Apr 20, 2023 ALCE-312NP
Going To Market: A Guide to Selling Raw, Processed, and Prepared Food Products from Your Home, at Farmers’ Markets, Stores, and Roadside Stands
This publication is a guide to selling raw, processed, and prepared food products from your home, at farmers’ markets, stores, and roadside stands. This guide will detail the answers to those questions, which vary depending on the type of food product and preparation process used. All food producers should follow the relevant good manufacturing practices (for example, those outlined in 21 CFR 114 and/or 21 CFR 117). This guide includes information related to meat, poultry, dairy, seafood, crustacean, shellfish, produce, maple syrup, honey, eggs, baked goods, jams, preserves, jellies, fruit butters, acidified canned foods, dehydrated foods, packaged refrigerated or frozen foods, kombucha, juice, pet treats, samples, time and temperature controlled for safety foods, and food service vendors.
Jul 15, 2024 ANR-46NP (FST-473NP)
Making Your Own Sanitizing or Disinfecting Solution Jan 30, 2022 FST-339NP
How to Clean, Sanitize, and Disinfect Surfaces Dec 21, 2021 FST-395NP
¿Cómo Limpiar, Sanitizar, y Desinfectar Superficies? ( How to Clean, Sanitize, and Disinfect Surfaces) Dec 21, 2021 FST-396NP
Before You Buy – What to Look for on Household Cleaner, Sanitizer, and Disinfectant Labels Feb 4, 2022 FST-397NP
Antes de Comprar – ¿Qué Debe Buscar en las Etiquetas de Productos Domésticos de Limpieza, Sanitizantes y Desinfectantes? ( Before You Buy – What to Look for on Household Cleaner, Sanitizer, and Disinfectant Labels) Jan 30, 2022 FST-398NP
Using Hand Sanitizers Feb 2, 2022 FST-407NP
Making Your Own Sanitizer - Vietnamese Feb 11, 2022 FST-412NP
使用消毒免洗洗手液 (Making Your Own Sanitizing) Feb 11, 2022 FST-414NP
在购买前—阅读清洗剂、清洁剂和消毒剂上的 使用说明 (Before You Buy – What to Look for on Household Cleaner, Sanitizer, and Disinfectant Labels) Feb 9, 2022 FST-415NP
使用消毒免洗洗手液 (Using Hand Sanitizers) Feb 14, 2022 FST-416NP
如何清洗,清洁和消毒表面 (How to Clean, Sanitize, and Disinfect Surfaces) Feb 9, 2022 FST-417NP
How to Clean, Sanitize, and Disinfect Surfaces - Vietnamese Feb 23, 2022 FST-419NP
Before You Buy - What to Look for on Household Cleaner, Sanitizer, and Disinfectant Labels - Vietnamese Feb 25, 2022 FST-420NP
Using Hand Sanitizers - Vietnamese Feb 25, 2022 FST-421NP
Understanding and Managing Food Allergies
Food allergies affect approximately 11 percent of adults and approximately 8 percent of children in the United States. Over the last decade, the number of young people with food allergies has increased. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported an increase in food allergies in children of 50% from 1997 to 2011. Food allergies can be serious and life-threatening; severe reactions kill 100 to 200 Americans per year (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2023). The risk of accidental exposure to foods can be reduced if physicians, parents, child care providers, and teachers work to minimize risks and provide a safe environment for children with food allergies. This publication provides general information and guidelines to manage food allergies at home, schools, day care centers, and camps.
Jul 10, 2023 FST-283NP (FST-454NP)
Uso de Desinfectantes de Manos (Using Hand Sanitizers) Mar 24, 2022 FST-423NP
Preparación de su Propia Solución de Sanitizante o Desinfectante (Making Your Own Sanitizing or Disinfecting Solution) Apr 18, 2022 FST-425NP
Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies: Sesame Allergies
This factsheet describes Sesame Allergies and how to manage them. This new allergen was added to the big FDA allergens list in 2023.
May 31, 2023 FST-449NP