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Resources by Frank Long

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Sanitizers for Vegetables in Harvest and Post-Harvest Water for Small Farmers
Limited educational food safety publications are available for small vegetable farmers and extension personnel seeking information on the exemptions from FSMA regulations and the Produce Safety Rule, along with voluntary practices and food safety practices. Research was conducted to construct three educational publications focused on the Best Management Practices and Good Agricultural Practices, vegetable washing stations, handwashing stations, and sanitizing practices. These educational publications are for distribution within the Virginia Cooperative Extension System and for use by Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists, and growers who need to educate themselves or others on the basics of on-farm food safety needs and practices. This report serves (1) small and beginning vegetable farmers in the realm of food safety, (2) provide Virginia ANR Extension agents with publications to help them explain the intricacies of vegetable food safety on the farm, and (3) help with educating Virginia stakeholders to the intricacies of on-farm vegetable food safety practices.
Jul 1, 2024 FST-479NP
Wash Stations and Vegetable Cleaning for the Small Vegetable Farmers
Limited educational food safety publications are available for small vegetable farmers and extension personnel seeking information on the exemptions from FSMA regulations and the Produce Safety Rule, along with voluntary practices and food safety practices. Research was conducted to construct three educational publications focused on the Best Management Practices and Good Agricultural Practices, vegetable washing stations, handwashing stations, and sanitizing practices. These educational publications are for distribution within the Virginia Cooperative Extension System and for use by Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists, and growers who need to educate themselves or others on the basics of on-farm food safety needs and practices. This report serves (1) small and beginning vegetable farmers in the realm of food safety, (2) provide Virginia ANR Extension agents with publications to help them explain the intricacies of vegetable food safety on the farm, and (3) help with educating Virginia stakeholders to the intricacies of on-farm vegetable food safety practices.
Jul 2, 2024 FST-480NP
Best Management Practices and Good Agriculture Practices for Small Vegetable Farms
Aquaculture continues to be the fastest growing sector of food production world-wide. The Virginia aquaculture industry produces a variety of different foodfish, baitfish, shellfish, and ornamental species. Likewise, a variety of different production methods are implemented across the state, including pond production and indoor, intensive recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Continued expansion of aquaculture in the state, as well as across the region and country, demands attention to both environmental and economic sustainability.
Jul 3, 2024 FST-481NP
2021 Virginia On-Farm Soybean Research Jan 28, 2022 SPES-377NP
2021 Virginia On-Farm Corn Test Plots Feb 18, 2022 SPES-383NP
2022 Virginia On-Farm Soybean Research Jan 6, 2023 SPES-460NP
Virginia On-Farm Corn Test Plots 2022 Jan 27, 2023 SPES-477NP
2023 Virginia On-Farm Soybean Research
These demonstration and research results are a collaborative effort of Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) Agents and Specialists, Virginia producers, and agribusiness. The purpose of this publication is to provide research-based information to aid in the decision-making process for soybean producers in Virginia. It provides an unbiased evaluation of varieties, management practices, and new technologies through on-farm replicated research using producer equipment and time. These experiments enable producers to make better management decisions based on research and provide greater opportunities to improve yields and profits, which improves quality of life for them and their families.
Jan 12, 2024 SPES-577NP
Virginia On-Farm Corn Test Plots 2023
These demonstrations and replicated studies provide information that can be used by Virginia corn growers to make better management decisions on their farm. These results should be used along with data from other replicated studies when making decisions. Refer to individual location results for additional detail.
Feb 14, 2024 SPES-579NP
Gloucester County 2023 Situation Analysis Report Mar 11, 2024 VCE-596-39NP (VCE-1175-39NP)