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Resources by Rory Maguire

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Virginia No-Till Fact Sheet Series Number Three: Manure Injection Aug 30, 2019 3011-1517
Nitrogen Soil Testing For Corn in Virginia Apr 6, 2023 418-016 (SPES-484P)
Fertilizing Cool-Season Forages with Poultry Litter versus Commercial Fertilizer Aug 30, 2019 418-142
Phosphorus, Agriculture & The Environment
their yield potential. Research has documented that applying fertilizer phosphorus increases crop growth and yields on soils that are naturally low in phosphorus and in soils that have been depleted through crop removal. Crop fertilization represents the greatest use of phosphorus in agriculture today.
Jun 4, 2024 424-029 (SPES-82NP)
Fertilizer Types and Calculating Application Rates Aug 30, 2019 424-035
Agronomy Handbook 2023 Dec 11, 2023 424-100 (SPES-299P)
Agronomy Handbook 2023: Part X. Lime: Common Soil Additives To Raise Soil pH in Virginia Dec 18, 2023 424-100-J (SPES-299P-J)
Agronomy Handbook 2023: Part XI. Fertilizing With Manures Dec 18, 2023 424-100-K (SPES-299P-K)
Nutrient Management for Small Farms Dec 17, 2018 442-305 (BSE-241P)
Impact of Changing From Nitrogen- to Phosphorus-Based Manure Nutrient Management Plans Aug 30, 2019 442-310
Sources of Lime for Acid Soils in Virginia
Acid soil limits crop yields on many Virginia farms. This soil acidity can be directly toxic to plants, but more often it reduces the plants' efficiency at nutrient utilization.
Aug 9, 2019 452-510 (SPES-158P)
Explanation of Soil Tests
Your Soil Test Report and related Soil Test Notes referred to on a report will help you assess your plant’s need for fertilizer and lime.
May 29, 2024 452-701 (SPE-605NP)
Soil Test Note #2 - Field Crops
Most Virginia soils are acidic and require lime applications at three- to five-year intervals. Maintaining the correct soil pH has several benefits, such as encouraging healthy root development and making sure nutrients in the soil are available to the plant. For example, low pH can cause aluminum toxicity and can decrease phosphorus availability.
Sep 9, 2019 452-702 (CSES-100P)
Soil Test Note No.3 - Liming and Fertilization of Cool-Season Forage Crops Aug 30, 2019 452-703
Soil Test Note 4: Trace Elements
If your Soil Test Report indicates that one or more trace elements are needed, then go to the related sections in this note for information on the recommended trace elements and the specific rates and methods of application. Apply only those trace elements that are recommended, and only at the recommended rates!
Jun 5, 2024 452-704 (SPES-607NP)
Soil Test Note 5: Fertilizing With Manures Aug 30, 2019 452-705
Soil Test Note 21: Home Fruit Trees Apr 14, 2023 452-721 (SPES-489NP)
Laboratory Procedures: Virginia Tech Soil Testing Laboratory
The procedures for soil analysis used in the Soil Testing Laboratory were established in the early 1950s. A routine test, consisting of eleven separate analyses, is performed on all samples.
Mar 5, 2024 452-881 (SPES-91P)
Manure Injection in No-Till and Pasture Systems May 1, 2023 CSES-22P (SPES-5P)
Importance of Farm Phosphorus Mass Balance and Management Options
Phosphorus is a naturally occurring element that is one of 16 elements essential for plant growth and animal health. Research has documented that applying phosphorus in fertilizers or manure increases crop growth and yield on soils that are below critical agronomic levels, as measured during routine soil testing. Although the economic benefits of phosphorus fertilization on crop production are well-documented, too much of a good thing can be detrimental to the environment. Excessive soil phosphorus is a potential threat to water quality.
Feb 21, 2020 CSES-98P(SPES-178P)
Organic Foods: A Guide for Consumers Mar 14, 2023 FST-444NP
Soil Sampling Instructions for the Farm
Correctly collecting a soil sample is one of the most important steps in a soil testing program! The reliability of a soil test can be no better than the sample submitted. For results that can be depended on, it is vitally important to take samples that accurately represent the soil in your fields. When one considers that a one pound soil sample must adequately represent millions of pounds of soil in the area being sampled, the importance of doing a good job of sampling becomes apparent.
Jun 3, 2024 SPES-141
Managing Phosphorus Balance on Virginia Dairy Farms Mar 15, 2021 SPES-278NP
Lime: Common Soil Additives to Raise Soil pH in Virginia Feb 16, 2021 SPES-298NP
Soil Test Note No. 22: Small Fruits for Home Use Oct 18, 2021 SPES-363NP
Building Healthy Soil with Best Management Practices Oct 18, 2022 SPES-408P
VCE AG Today: Understanding Soil Test Reports Apr 9, 2021 VCE-1027-43NP