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Resources by Tao Qi

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Demystifying Food Labels for Meat and Poultry Products Part I: Overview
The purpose of this publication is to help improve buyer understanding of retail meat and poultry product labels using text and infographics. Each infographic contains basic facts and straightforward definitions of common words and phrases included on labels used on meat and poultry products found in grocery stores nationwide.
Aug 12, 2024 AAEC-167NP (AAEC-329NP)
Demystifying Food Labels for Meat and Poultry Products Part II: Labels for Specific Products
This publication and an accompanying publication provide information to help consumers understand and interpret labels on meat and poultry products, and help producers understand how they may use labels to differentiate their products and increase their profit margins. The labels discussed in this publication are specific to certain types of meat (beef and lamb) and poultry.
Feb 28, 2019 AAEC-171NP (AAEC-330NP)