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Resources by Mark Sutphin

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Survey of Pest Management Practices of Virginia Sweet Corn Growers – 2017 Dec 5, 2017 ENTO-248NP
Corn earworm monitoring in commercial sweet corn fields in Virginia – 2017 Mar 5, 2018 ENTO-266NP
Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly (Mosca de Alas Manchadas) Jun 24, 2019 ENTO-320NP
Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly (Mosca de Alas Manchadas) Jun 24, 2019 ENTO-320NP
Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) in Virginia
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) has quickly established itself as an agricultural pest, feeding mostly on grapes and fruit trees, but is also known to feed on many species of hardwoods. As a result, SLF has become a large residential pest where it is established.
Aug 9, 2019 ENTO-322NP
Control de la Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly- SLF) en Hogares de Virginia (Residential Control for Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia)
Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) se ha establecido rápidamente como una plaga agrícola, alimentándose principalmente de uvas y árboles frutales, al igual que de muchas especies de maderas duras. Como resultado, en cualquier que SLF se ha establecido, se ha convertido en una gran plaga residencial.
Aug 29, 2019 ENTO-322S
Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Vineyards: Lycorma delicatula (White)
Spotted lanternfly is an invasive pest that is continuing expansion through Virginia. It now occupies the entire Shenandoah Valley and most of the Piedmont. It can be extremely damaging in vineyards, potentially killing vines. This fact sheet discusses its management in vineyards.
Feb 24, 2025 ENTO-323NP (ENTO-606NP)
Mosca Linterna con Manchas (Spotted Lanternfly) en Viñedos de Virginia: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) (Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Vineyards: Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)) Aug 20, 2019 ENTO-323S
Best Management Practices for Spotted Lanternfly in Yards and Landscapes
The Gloomy Scale is a major pest of shade trees, particularly in urban situations where the trees grow next to streets and parking lots.
Dec 17, 2019 ENTO-344NP
Spotted Lanternfly Life Cycle in Virginia (Ciclo de Vida en Virginia de Spotted Lanternfly) Jul 8, 2019 ENTO-268NP (ENTO-321NP)
Identification and Life Cycle of Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia Mar 18, 2022 ENTO-268NP (ENTO-494NP)
Myth-busting Homemade Pesticides
Internet websites and social media platforms often contain information that misguide the public in using homemade pesticides. The use of homemade pesticides is concerning for several reasons. Homemade pesticides do not have directions for safe handling and application, instructions on how to protect people, pets, plants, and the environment, and are often ineffective. This publication will explain what homemade pesticides are and how they differ from registered pesticides. It will also debunk several common myths about homemade pesticides.
Aug 17, 2023 ENTO-570NP
Homeowner Suggestions for Managing Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted lanternfly (SLF) arrived in Virginia in 2018 and continues to spread across the state. This invasive pest strongly prefers feeding on tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima, but it also feeds on many other plants. SLF is a pest of grapes and can be a nuisance around residences.
Mar 7, 2024 ENTO-586NP
VCE Ag Today: Spotted Lanternfly – A Threat to Virginia? Apr 12, 2021 VCE-1027-30NP