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Resources by Robert Williams

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Introduction to Environmental Monitoring Programs
Environmental monitoring programs (EMPs) are a proactive approach that operations may take to reduce microbial contamination events. EMPs are designed to assess the effectiveness of the hygiene and sanitation practices in a food environment and provide valuable information to avoid microbial contamination of food products. EMPs are specific to each operation and depend upon the food(s) that are handled, packed, and or processed; operation size; operation layout; among other factors. If EMPs are effective, operations will be alerted to possible pathogen harborage locations based on positive test results, and operations will be able to implement corrective actions to reduce contamination events. Corrective actions may include targeted cleaning and sanitation of locations/adjacent locations that test positive and implementation of new policies or practices to reduce cross-contamination (for example, new employee or equipment traffic patterns). This publication serves as an introductory guide.
Nov 2, 2023 FST-290NP
Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule: Soil Amendments
The Produce Safety Rule (PSR) is one of the seven major food safety regulations that are authorized by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The PSR standards (subpart F) describe the minimum requirements for treated and untreated biological soil amendments of animal origin and human waste for reducing public health risk and the risk of contaminating covered produce. The PSR standards include requirements for determining if biological soil amendments of animal origin are treated or untreated and how to handle them. The standards also address the use of human waste, treatment of the biological soil amendments, application methods and intervals, and recordkeeping.
Dec 10, 2024 FST-316P
Packinghouse Best Practices To Support the FSMA Produce Safety Rule
The Food Safety Modernization act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) covers packinghouse activities in several subparts of the regulation. These include subpart D - worker health and hygiene, subpart E - agricultural water, subpart K - growing, harvesting, packing, and holding activities, and subpart L - equipment, tools, buildings, and sanitation. Applying the practices required by the PSR to packing houses is an important element to ensure the safety of fruits and vegetables.
Dec 11, 2024 FST-317P
Vegetable Fermentation May 20, 2020 FST-328P
Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 May 28, 2020 FST-373NP
Considerations for Producers Seeking Market Access to Schools Jun 11, 2019 SPES-145NP
Considerations for School Nutrition Directors Seeking to Increase Farm to School Purchases Jun 11, 2019 SPES-146NP
Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 - Part 1 Apr 20, 2020 SPES-205NP
Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 - Part 2 Apr 20, 2020 SPES-206NP
Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 - Part 3 Apr 20, 2020 SPES-207NP
Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19: Part 4 Apr 20, 2020 SPES-208NP
Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 May 28, 2020 SPES-217NP
VCE AG Today: COVID-19 Vaccine What Agricultural Workers Need to Know Apr 12, 2021 VCE-1027-39NP