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Resources for 4-H Animal Sciences

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Judging Scorecard Oct 8, 2021 380-100 (4H-974NP)
Cloverbud Curriculum, A Horse of a Different Color! Jul 15, 2021 380-104 (4H-561P)
Cloverbud Curriculum - Eat Like a Horse!
Horses, just like people, need to eat a variety of things to meet their nutritional requirements. If their diet is out of balance, then problems occur. A horse getting too much feed will become overweight, while one who eats too many treats may end up with colic. A young horse that eats an unbalanced diet may grow slowly or not grow correctly.
Jan 21, 2021 380-105 (4H-562P)
Cloverbud Curriculum - Knocking Off the Dirt!
Horses, just like people, need to stay clean in order to not only look good but also stay healthy. Grooming not only gets the horse clean; it also relaxes them and allows you to look for injuries, parasites, or skin conditions.
Jul 15, 2021 380-106 (4H-564P)
Cloverbud Curriculum - Do You Have Horse Sense!
Horses do not speak in words, but they still communicate. They use body language. Understanding horse “language” is important when it comes to safely handling horses. There are several ways horses position their bodies in order to talk to each other.
Jul 15, 2021 380-107 (4H-560P)
Cloverbud Curriculum - Horses Wear Clothes, Too!
Just as different people do different jobs, so do different horses perform different tasks. In order to do their jobs well, they need to have the right tack or equipment.
Jul 15, 2021 380-108 (4H-563P)
Cloverbud Curriculum - Puzzling Horse Parts!
So many activities and interactions with horses require you to know what the parts of the horse are, where they’re located, and how they function. It’s also important to use the correct terminology when speaking with others about horses. For example, telling the vet that a horse has a wound on the withers is more specific than just saying on the back.
Jul 15, 2021 380-109(4H-565P)
4-H Science Fair Project/Presentation and Display Score Sheet Mar 19, 2014 380-128 (4H-256NP)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Equine Release, Waiver, and Indemnification Statement Oct 7, 2020 388-035 (4H-902NP)
Declaración de exoneración, renuncia e indemnización en la actividad equina (Equine Release, Waiver, and Indemnification Statement) Aug 9, 2023 388-035s (4H-902SNP)
Virginia 4-H Beef Heifer Project Junior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-140P
Virginia 4-H Beef Heifer Project Senior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-141P
Virginia 4-H Market Beef Project Junior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-142P
Virginia 4-H Market Beef Project Senior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-143P
Virginia 4-H Market Goat Project Junior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-144P
Virginia 4-H Market Goat Project Senior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-145P
Virginia 4-H Market Hog Project Junior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-146P
Virginia 4-H Market Hog Project Senior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-147P
Virginia 4-H Market Lamb Project Junior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-148P
Virginia 4-H Market Lamb Project Senior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-149P
Virginia 4-H Sheep Flock Project Junior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-150P
Virginia 4-H Sheep Flock Project Senior Record Book Jan 24, 2023 4H-151P
VT Policy Guidelines for Open vs. 4-H Horse Events Apr 8, 2020 4H-306NP (4H-901NP)
Basic Information Agents need to know about Virginia’s 4-H Horse Program Jul 20, 2016 4H-307NP (APSC-125NP)
General Horse Information Agents Need To Know Apr 20, 2020 4H-308 (4H-887NP)
4-H Horse Judging Project Record Book Level 1
This project book is intended for use by enrolled members of the 4-H program. 4-H members interested in completing this book do not need to own or ride horses. Members who have horses may also participate in this project. 4-H members should be active members of a 4-H club and complete this project under the supervision of an adult volunteer leader. 4-H members of all ages may complete this project book. This project is intended to be completed in one year. However, there is no time limit on completion. 4-H members may repeat this book as many times as desired. Members are encouraged to complete one Horse Judging Project Record Book for each year that they are actively participating in horse judging. 4-H members must complete Horse Judging Project Record Book Level 1 before they begin work in this book.
Jan 21, 2021 4H-316NP (4H-568P)
4-H Horse Judging Project Record Book Level 2
This project book will be used to further the education of 4-H members who are interested in horse judging and have already completed the 4-H Horse Judging Project Record Book Level 1.
Jan 21, 2021 4H-317NP (4H-569P)
4-H Livestock Judging Project Dec 6, 2022 4H-780
4-H Animal Science Financial Record Keeping Lessons
This is the first in a series of six lessons that focus on 4-H livestock financial record keeping. It discusses the importance of matching your livestock project animal with your farm’s facilities. This activity will help members learn to set and achieve goals in their animal projects. The discussion about the factors to consider and the questions to ask themselves will help members answer the questions in the project planning section of the record book.
Feb 22, 2022 4H-540P
Virginia 4-H State Horse Program Dec 1, 2022 4H-570NP (4H-1007NP)
4-H Member Record Book - Novice Apr 4, 2022 4H-689NP
4-H Member Record Book • Experienced Junior
For use by youth 9-13 years old as of September 30th of the current year AND 3 years or more in an Animal Science project.
Apr 4, 2022 4H-690NP
4-H Member Record Book • Experienced Senior
For use by youth 14-19 years old as of September 30th of the current year AND 3 years or more in an Animal Science project.
Apr 4, 2022 4H-691NP
Virginia 4-H Dog Project Record Book Sep 20, 2024 4H-8 (4H-846P)
4-H Member Record Book Guide
This guide is to be used to help you in completing the following 4-H Member Record Books: • 4-H Member Record Book • Novice (4H-689NP) • 4-H Member Record Book • Experienced Junior (4H-690NP) •4-H Member Record Book • Experienced Senior (4H-691NP)
Feb 14, 2024 4H-844
Grass, Goats, and Uninvited Guests! Oct 21, 2022 4H-876P
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table: Beef Jul 22, 2020 4H-915NP
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table: Eggs Aug 31, 2020 4H-925NP
Virginia Virtual Farm to Table: Pork Sep 9, 2020 4H-928
Virginia 4-H Horse Project Measurement Card Mar 23, 2020 406-050 (4H -881NP)
Members should also enroll in the Horse Management project and keep an accurate and up-to-date management record. Participate in the riding series is strictly on an elective basis. The riding projects should be closely supervised by a horse project leader. Numerous standard references may be used for completing the diagrams, questions, etc. Members should have the basic equipment for riding and the use of a suitable riding animal.
Jul 19, 2021 406-053 (4H-559P)
Horseless Horse Project Unit 3 Jan 13, 2022 406-093
Horseless Horse Project Unit 4 Jan 13, 2022 406-094
Progressive Riding Series Unit 2 - Novice Jan 13, 2022 406-097
Progressive Riding Series Unit 3 - Horseman Jan 13, 2022 406-098
Progressive Riding Series Unit 4 - Horsemaster Jan 10, 2022 406-099
Horseless Horse Project Unit 2 - Horses Are Fun
Horseless Horse Project Unit 2 - Horses are Fun is the second of four workbooks in this series of the Horseless Horse Project.
Nov 20, 2020 406-105 (4H-931NP)
Self-Determined Horse Project Jul 15, 2021 406-107 (4H-567P)
Horseless Horse Project Unit 1 - Introduction to the Horse Jan 13, 2022 406-120
Virginia 4-H Horse Project Junior Record Book Feb 26, 2018 406-122 (4H-694P)
Virginia 4-H Horse Project Senior Record Book Dec 19, 2018 406-123 (4H-837P)
4-H Project Horse Eligibility/Declaration Jan 21, 2021 406-125 (4H-583NP)
Beginning of Life Nov 9, 2009 408-029
Poultry Yearly Plan and Record Book Apr 24, 2019 408-042
Equine Evacuation Sites during Emergencies Oct 25, 2018 ANR-228NP (APSC-150NP)
4-H Horse Program Key Dates Agents Need to Know Jun 27, 2016 APSC-128NP
Activity Lesson Plan for Proper Storage, Labeling, and Accounting for Medications
Purpose: To teach youth how to read a medication label so they are better able to understand how to store and administer medications for different livestock species.
Jun 23, 2021 APSC-99P (APSC-176P)
Poultry Parasites: Northern Fowl Mites
Northern fowl mites (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) are one of the more common ectoparasites (external parasites) that can be present in a poultry flock. This publication discusses detection, prevention, and treatment options
Oct 11, 2023 APSC-190P
Footpad Dermatitis in Poultry: A Common Issue in Commercial and Backyard Flocks
Footpad dermatitis refers to a lesion on the footpad and/or toes, characterized by black, necrotic skin and inflammation. This is a widespread condition that can occur in any poultry flock, from mini scale backyard birds to large-scale commercial settings. This publication covers information about the prevalence, causes, methods to keep track, and some potential remedies.
Oct 2, 2023 APSC-191P
Predators for Free-Ranging Poultry
Predation is a common risk for poultry that are allowed to roam freely outdoors (Fig. 1). Predator types may differ depending on the region. Therefore, this article may not cover all possible predators for a specific geographical region. This article provides an overview of potential flock predators, how to identify the predator, and approaches to avoid predation in your free-range poultry flock.
Sep 28, 2023 APSC-192P
4-H Virtual Farm May 19, 2009