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Virginia 4-H Contest Guide - Chicken Barbecue


4H-35NP (4H-425NP)

Authors as Published

Prepared by Kathleen Jamison, 4-H Curriculum and Learning Specialist; Katie Lafon, State 4-H Events Coordinator; Kaci Daniel, Extension Agent, 4-H; Kelly Mallory, Extension Agent, 4-H; Bethany Eigel, Extension Agent, 4-H; Celia Brockway, Extension Agent, 4-H; Mandy Simons, Extension Agent, 4-H; Robbie Morrison, Extension Agent, 4-H; Kathy Alstat, Extension Agent, 4-H; Cathy Howland, Extension Agent, 4-H; Stacey Swain, 4-H Youth Educator

Description of Contest

  1. To help youth develop skills in the preparation and use of chicken and to acquire the ability to express their ideas proficiently and efficiently through participation in projects, talks, discussions, demonstrations and exhibits.
  2. To acquire scientific knowledge and improved understanding of the economy, versatility and nutritional value of chicken broiler meat and its relationship to human nutrition and health.

Levels of Competition

Unit (county), District, State, National

Age categories:

Junior contestants – 9 to 13 as of September 30

Senior contestants for any Virginia-held Chicken-Que are 14-18 as of September 30

Note! National contestants must be 14-18 as of January 1 of the competition year. It is possible for a youth to eligible for the state competition and ineligible for the national competition.

Awards to be Earned

  • Danish Awards: Blue Ribbon 100-90, Red Ribbon 89-75, White Ribbon 74 and below.
  • Top senior individual (14 years of age or older as of January 1 of the present year) at the state contest is eligible to compete at the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

Rules for this Contest

  • The Virginia state Chicken-Que contest will use the national rules except for the following:
  • Grills will not be provided like they are at nationals. Participants should plan to provide their own grill at unit, district, and state level contests, though they may wish to work with contest coordinators to see what options are available. Grills should be of reasonable size for the competition area; grills should not be commercial size or pull-behind trailer types.
  • Contestants will need to provide charcoal and lighter fluid at unit and district contests.
  • Contestants should not bring their own charcoal and lighter fluid to State 4-H Congress (due to safety reasons); these items will be provided. Participants may not have lighter fluid in the dormitories or on buses used to transport youth to Congress.



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Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

Publication Date

April 7, 2021