Bramble Hollow Farm: A Soil for Water Case Study



Authors as Published

Presented by Eric S. Bendfeldt, Senior Extension Specialist, Community Viability and Food Systems, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences; Kim L. Niewolny, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education; Katie Trozzo, Food Systems Network and Outreach Specialist, Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education; and Ernie Didot, Media Specialist, Clear Impact Productions

This publication is available in a video file format only.

Bramble Hollow Farm is owned and operated by Brent and Anna Wills and is located along the eastern foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Bedford County. Brent and Anna and their family raise pork and chicken on pasture. They have also raised other livestock and poultry through the years. Brett and Anna have and continue to use multiple market channels including farmers markets, on-farm sales, community supported agriculture (CSA) deliveries, participation in a food hub, and affiliation with the Edible Goose Creek farm alliance. Additionally, Bramble Hollow Farm invested in an on-farm commercial kitchen to diversify and add value to what they grow and offer. In this video, Brent shares who (i.e., writings of Gene Logsdon, Wendell Berry, and others) and what influenced him and helped form his vision for regenerative agriculture where soil health equates to plant health; plant health equates to livestock health; and ultimately equates to human and planetary health.

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Publication Date

November 6, 2024