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Improving Wellbeing in Charlotte County



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A group of young adults standing by a raised garden listening to a woman holding a plant.
Young adults from APEX Day Services learn about gardening at the Charlotte County Extension Office demonstration garden.

Sharing Knowledge

Charlotte County Extension Office staff members teamed up to offer young adults from APEX Day Support Services exposure to gardening and nutritious food. This educational program allowed the participants to create a fairy garden, make guerrilla seed balls, and prepare a nutritious snack using easy-to-find ingredients. Participants were also offered hands-on experience planting and watering the Extension demonstration garden. The event lasted approximately 90 minutes and allowed the young adults to rotate through stations.

The preparation and teaching for this event required assistance by numerous Master Gardeners in addition to Extension staff. Participants experienced memorable learning opportunities and education on healthy eating habits.

Community Voices

Abigail Malloy.

“4-H showed there is so much to be involved in. 4-H taught me how to teach and to overcome challenges from bad anxiety, and it brought many new and amazing relationships into my life. 4-H made me the person I am. I’m extremely thankful for the people who are there for me.”

Abigail Malloy
4-H Youth Participant

4-H youth participants

Partners for Solutions

Joanne Jones.

“Safe food is a major priority whether you are a producer or consumer. As the Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in Charlotte County, I have conducted food safety training along with Extension specialist Amber Vallotton. The training helped eight producers gain GAP certification, and four producers received grant funding totaling $4,200.”

Joanne Jones

Charlotte County - Funding by Source: 38% State, 27% Local, 12% Federal, 18% Grants, 5% Other. Total Funding: $317,322.
$2.71 return on investment for every dollar invested by the county in Charlotte County.
$95,788 value of extension volunteer hours in Charlotte County.

To find out how you can support your local Extension office, visit

133 Legreande Avenue
Charlotte Courthouse, VA 23923


Virginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, reprint, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.

Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law

Publication Date

June 20, 2024