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Resources by Kyle Peer

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An Introduction to Growing Christmas Trees in Virginia
Each year many landowners in Virginia consider Christmas tree farming as an alternative enterprise for their unused open land. The number of growers in the Commonwealth is increasing steadily, and currently Virginia ranks eighth in the nation in Christmas tree production, with about 1.8 million trees harvested in 1990.
Mar 11, 2021 420-080 (CNRE-131P)
Species for Christmas Tree Planting in Virginia
Christmas tree production in Virginia has steadily increased over the last several years. Favorable climate, soils, and proximity to markets place Virginia growers in a highly desirable marketing situation.
Nov 4, 2020 420-082
Coloring Christmas Trees Before Harvest
As the Christmas tree industry develops in Virginia, the production of larger quantities of trees places growers in a more competitive environment. Under conditions of competition, it becomes necessary for growers to produce the highest quality trees possible in order to enjoy marketing success. There are many characteristics of Christmas trees which are widely considered to be quality factors, but the most important are shape, needle retention, straightness, and color.
Sep 14, 2020 420-638(CNRE-118P)
Soil Test Note 23: Christmas Tree Crops Jun 16, 2021 452-723 (SPES-331P)
Powell River Project - Growing Christmas Trees on Reclaimed Surface-mined Land
Christmas tree production can be an excellent use for reclaimed mined lands in Virginia. Most species do quite well on mine soils because they are more tolerant of infertile and droughty conditions than agricultural or horticultural crops, yet they do respond to active management. Christmas trees can be harvested within seven to 10 years, while timber crops take much longer to mature. For the person with time to invest, Christmas trees can be an ideal way to put small parcels of reclaimed mined lands to profitable use. Individual growers can conveniently maintain up to 5 acres of trees in their spare time.
Jul 1, 2023 460-116
An Introduction to Drones : On - Farm Use and Safety Implications
The use of drones can be a safe and productive addition to your farm. However, there are many considerations that must be taken into account before purchasing and using a drone. This introductory publication is not intended to be used as a comprehensive drone resource. Therefore, please contact AgrAbility Virginia at for more information and suggestions on incorporating drones into your farm or ranch operations.
Dec 10, 2024 ALCE-169NP (ALCE-172NP)
Best Management Practices for Spotted Lanternfly on Christmas Tree Farms Feb 15, 2021 ENTO-402NP