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2021 Virtual Eastern Shore Agricultural Conference and Trade Show



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Authored by Theresa Pittman, Accomack County, Virginia Cooperative Extension; Ursula Deitch, Northampton County, Virginia Cooperative Extension; Mark Reiter, Vijay Singh, John Mason, Keren Duerksen, Joseph Haymaker, and Hélène Doughty, Eastern Shore AREC, Virginia Tech; David Holshouser and David Langston, Tidewater AREC, Virginia Tech; Michael Flessner, Steve Rideout, Wade Thomason and Chris McCullough, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech; Kemper Sutton, Kyle Bekelija, and Tom Kuhar, Entomology Department, Virginia Tech; Bruce Richardson, Association of Virginia Potato and Vegetable Growers, Inc; Robert Harper, Grain Division Manager, Virginia Farm Bureau; Brett Richardson, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; Bill Shockley, Woodside Farms

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Join us for the 2021 virtual Eastern Shore Agricultural Conference and Trade Show! Hear updates and continuing education presentations that are pertinent to Eastern Shore of Virginia growers.

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Publication Date

March 12, 2021