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Resources by Jennifer S. Friedel

Title Available As Summary Date ID Author
Methods and Procedures: Determining the Use Value of Agricultural and Horticultural Land in Virginia
Virginia law allows for localities adopting a program of special assessments for agriculture, horticulture, forestry and/or open space lands for their land to be taxed based on the value of the land in one of these four uses (use value) instead of its market value. This document describes methods and procedures used to calculate use values for agriculture and horticulture land based on an income and rental rate approach.
Aug 21, 2020 446-011 (AAEC-215P)
Results of the 2022 Virginia’s Land Use-Value Assessment Program Survey Dec 7, 2022 448-257 (AAEC-304NP)
2020 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates Jul 2, 2021 AAEC-290NP
Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia Apr 1, 2022 AAEC-294P
Boundaries of Virginia Fence Law
The history of Virginia fence law began not long after the first English settlement was founded in 1607. Virginia fence law has transcended from requiring landowners to fence in their livestock beginning in 1631, to requiring landowners to fence-out unwanted livestock beginning in 1643, to the modern-day rule granting localities the authority to return to a fence-in rule of law. This overview sets forth the history of Virginia fence law and explains the modern-day rule of law, including what constitutes a lawful fence and when you need one.
Sep 27, 2023 AAEC-323P
Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia, 2019-2020
This report succeeds the Agricultural Land Sales in Virginia report analyzing agricultural land sales in the Commonwealth of Virginia from 2010 – 2018 (the “2018 Report”). Similar to its predecessor, this report provides insight into agricultural land sales in the Commonwealth from 2019 through 2020 and summarizes the averages of market-based agricultural land transactions at the multicounty district and statewide levels. The highest growth rate was observed in the Northern ASD district. Statewide, the market-based estimates of farmland averaged $5,533 per acre, a 14% increase from 2019 to 2020.
Apr 3, 2024 AAEC-324P
Virginia Property Tax Reassessment Overview
The publication provides an overview of the property tax reassessment process in Virginia. It explains why tax reassessment is important, and what the typical process looks like for Virginia jurisdictions. The paper gives a breakdown on how often reassessments are conducted, how the process differs for counties versus cities, and a step-by-step breakdown of the process for contractors or state officials. In addition to reassessment methodologies, the publication also provides figures showing statistical breakdowns of reassessment factors such as contracting or conducting in-house, the use of a physical inspection, and common reassessment intervals.
Jun 21, 2024 AAEC-327NP
2023 NASS Cropland and Pastureland Rental Rates
Every year in August the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) releases cash rental rates for 3 distinct land classes in Virginia as mandated by the 2008 Farm Bill. Rental rates for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland and pastureland were recently released for Virginia counties and cities. Provided below is 2023 rental rates by jurisdiction for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland and pastureland.
MANAGING LEGAL LIABILITY SERIES: Virginia Attorneys: Members of the American Agricultural Law Association Feb 23, 2021 CV-20NP (AAEC-280NP)
Managing Legal Liability Series: Workers’ Compensation & Liability for Farmers’ Market Vendors & Owners (2020) Dec 10, 2020 CV-24 (AAEC-230NP)
Liability Exemptions When Donating Food to Hunger Relief Organizations in Virginia May 4, 2023 FST-447NP
Regulatory and Liability Exemptions for Organizations Distributing Donated Food in Virginia
To support hunger relief work, and to keep safe, quality food from ending up in a landfill, the Code of Virginia (§§ 3.2-5144 and 35.1-14.2) and U.S. Code (42 U.S.C. § 1791) provides certain regulatory exemptions and liability protections to organizations which distribute donated food to people who need it. This includes nonprofit organizations and qualified direct donors. This publication is meant to highlight the regulatory exemptions and liability protections which exist for organizations which distribute donated foods. This publication does not contain legal advice, and any legal questions should be directed to a qualified legal professional.
Aug 30, 2023 FST-458NP